Devlog, March 2025

Hi again! Just a quick little monthly update as to where development's at right now. Still going at a slower pace since I've mostly been focusing on commissions for the past month, but working on the game when I can. 

Here's what's been done since the last update:

-Finished all spritework for Limestone Capitol enemies (2 new since last update, Cursecorrupted Citizen M & F, UB and CV respectively. 2 Remaining enemies to do art for in Redwood Expanse, a CV Tanuki, and an OV fox)

-Completed tilesets and background art for Redwood Expanse

- Started level assembly for Limestone Capitol

- Started working on collectible alternate HUD themes (For those of you who don't follow me on FA, there's going to be an NPC that you can trade in hidden spray cans for themed portrait and health bar borders; It's the same character that leaves the tutorial messages on the walls). Also slightly retooled the UI to better fit the wider aspect ratio (longer, thinner health bar, raised slightly so that it can fit an energy bar below it once I get to that)

- Added framework for debug menu to allow access to upgrades and abilities without unlocking them; super important since some of them won't be accessible until much later areas

Currently the main roadblock is determining how I want to handle the downed state, and enemies that don't instantly grab on attack. At the moment the theory is to keep it to enemies that visibly have a weapon, but I'm also playing around with the idea of enemies having colored outlines that might differentiate between the instant grab ones and the attacking ones.

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You could either have outline or go with a eye shine like darksouls.  Green = nothing. Yellow = Grab. Red = Attack (doesn't matter aslong as they are consistent).  The color change/shine happening when said enemy is aggro.

Though with the use of pixel art the change would be a lot of extra work, so  the outline would be easier.

The eye shine thing actually would be perfect since all the enemies currently have glowing blue eyes; I could pretty easily color code them through that! Would also be ideal for a handful of enemies that do role-reversal down the line to differentiate them lore-wise.

I assume the tanuki is sketch from FA. If so, how will that work if he’s a friendly npc and able to CV the player.

(1 edit)

I'm intending to have an optional interaction choice that lets you voluntarily do so, but the notes on the FA post are more so just a general outline of him from a character standpoint; He's not actively a threat or anything. I am planning on having him doing so to an enemy when you first run into him though.

That’s a pretty interesting idea. I’m guessing it would be like a friendly interaction CV or a sort mock battle training scenario when he does it. Honestly it would be funny if it’s like an interaction similar in old blizzard games where you interact on a character enough they will get annoyed, could lead to him getting annoyed and just CVs the player lol. Your project is coming along great though dude. Can’t wait for the next version release.

Glad to see the progress! And really looking forward to the NPC since you showed him on FA.

Great work! Can't wait to see Redwood in action!
But ofc take your time!~


Glad to hear its moving along! I love the themed UIs idea thats dope tbh. if you ever want extra hands on the project I gotta say I'm interested. I've done spritework before! Cheers!

Can't wait to playtest it, wonder what platforming tech will there be besides jumping up a womb or down a cawk!


I say great work dude!!! Excited to see yer work when is done ^-^ ya bet i sharing it around with friends in my game's servers aswell!!